The day saved by a puffin…
Runde with the guano covered rock face |
We left Finnøy (62º 48’N 06º 30’.4E) on the 21/07 in blazing sunshine - unfortunately without a lot of wind. But it could have been much worse: no wind and pouring rain. Our direction of travel was to Fosnavåg (62º20.54’N 05º38.05’E) through the Green Corridor later on to our final destination.
Approach to Fosnavåg |
From Finnøy we entered the inner lead again and enjoyed the high mountains, green hills and snow covered peaks in the background. As you may have deducted when following the blog, the skipper likes to change the destinations in order not to curtail the lovely time on the boat too early. Unfortunately, while heading for our destination Madeleine realised that we were passing the island of Runde famous for their bird colonies including puffins. As soon as Madeleine realised the only way to see one of her favourite birds, a change of plan was announced: let’s go to Runde and walk to the bird sanctuary to see puffins. I was not too pleased of yet another change and then something wonderful happened : a bird close to us started diving and then flew off showing its orange peak and feet, clearly a puffin! With this joyful sighting we could continue our original plan and moored 17:30 in Fosnavåg, the penultimate harbour of our cruise and a perfect spot for early boat maintenance chores like servicing all our eight winches...