Easy Rider, the only boat in Trysunda |
Well, the wind is still blowing from the north-east and we did not make it past the Quark as hoped and it is now Monday. Tomorrow is mid-summer and there is little chance that we will see the midnight sun (but again, there is always uTube if you want to see it…). We are still hoping to get away at least on Wednesday and the chances look pretty good, at least on the forecasts we look at.
Fisherman’s church (17th century) |
We heard a few sailors say “Trysunda is a must” and that worried us a bit, possibly making this tiny island to the south of Örnsköldsvik too ‘touristy’ But it is really a must and our two days here were absolutely fabulous, filled with sunshine, rain and a scenery which we not yet experienced on all our walks/hikes around Swedish islands- or anywhere else.
After our 3-hour walk, we asked to have a sauna – and at 18.00 we retired into the sauna amidst a closing in sea fog that made the sauna even more appropriate.
After the weekend, there are three boats in the harbour now, one British (us), one German (from Hamburg) and one Swedish boat (Mariestad). It feels almost crowded now…
Looking North-West |